
We have been the leading Invisalign provider for the 4th year running, Invisalign Platinum provider 4th year in a row!

Invisalign treatment in Mumbai can correct various dental issues, including crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites, and crossbites. The teeth aligners are custom-made for each patient based on their teeth impressions and are made of a clear, plastic material virtually invisible when worn. They are removable, allowing patients to eat and brush their teeth as they normally would.

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  • Initial Consultation: The first step in the low cost Invisalign process is an initial consultation with a dentist who is trained in low cost Invisalign treatment in Mumbai. During this consultation, the provider will evaluate the patient’s teeth and discuss the treatment options, including whether low cost Invisalign is a suitable option for the patient’s specific needs.
  • Treatment Planning: If the patient decides to proceed with low cost Invisalign treatment in Mumbai, the provider will take digital impressions of the patient’s teeth using a special scanner. These impressions will be used to create a 3D model of the patient’s teeth and jaw, which will be used to plan the movement of the teeth during treatment.
  • Custom Aligner Fabrication: Based on the treatment plan, a series of custom-made teeth aligners will be fabricated for the patient using specialized computer software and 3D printing technology. Each set of teeth aligners will be slightly different from the previous one, gradually moving the teeth into the desired position over time.
  • Treatment: The patient will wear the teeth aligners for 20-22 hours per day, removing them only to eat, brush, and floss. The patient will switch to a new set of teeth aligners every 1-2 weeks.
invisalign, invisalign treatment in mumbai, low cost invisalign, teeth aligners
invisalign, invisalign treatment in mumbai, low cost invisalign, teeth aligners
  • Follow-up Appointments: After the treatment, follow-up appointments will be scheduled every 4-6 weeks to monitor progress and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Completion: Once the final set of teeth aligners has been worn and the teeth have been moved into the desired position, the patient will wear a retainer to maintain the new position of the teeth. Overall, the low cost Invisalign process typically takes 12-18 months, although the duration of treatment can vary depending on the patient’s needs.

Embrace a personalized approach to teeth straightening through innovative teeth aligners. Customized to match your unique dental needs, these custom aligners offer a comfortable and discreet method to achieve a harmonious smile. As you go through the series of aligners, your teeth slightly shift into their desired positions, giving you a reason to smile with each step of the journey with an effective teeth aligners cost. Experience orthodontic treatment that’s as unique as your smile.

Now, you can get your best smile without breaking the bank with low-cost Invisalign. This budget-friendly alternative delivers the effectiveness of traditional Invisalign, ensuring your teeth alignment journey remains cheapest Invisalign alternative and accessible. Reap the benefits of clear aligners that are removable, comfortable, and designed to fit your lifestyle. Let your smile shine throughout the process, proving that a dazzling transformation doesn’t require a hefty investment.

Low Cost Invisalign Treatment in Mumbai

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invisalign treatment in mumbai, low cost invisalign