If you have sensitivity, it could be due to improper brushing technique.
Brushing too hard, or with the wrong bristle thickness toothbrush like a hard toothbrush can actually cause harm to your teeth.
It can be compounded with the use of toothpaste with high abrasive particles or tooth powders which are in general high in abrasiveness.
It’s important to learn to brush the correct way and with the correct armamentarium.
Using a hard bristle toothbrush can wear off the outer protective layer of teeth called enamel, leading to exposure to the relatively softer dentin. Dentin has microscopic-level tubules fluids and nerve endings. When the tubules get exposed the dentinal fluid contracts or expands causing the nerve endings to retract or get stimulated and this causes sensitivity. Popular sensitivity toothpastes actually work by reblocking the dentinal tubules making a coating and increasing the mineralization of the teeth.
Another thing harming your teeth could be overbrushing and brushing vigorously.
People tend to brush aggressively, thinking it’s the only to maintain hygiene & keep clean. People also feel the teeth look white when they brush for long. However, it’s the opposite, because you are actually scrubbing off the enamel which is white & glossy making it look yellow and darker which is your dentine. And when that happens, you’re putting yourself at risk for developing sensitive teeth.
Remember the closer you go to the pulp the more sensitive your teeth get.
You also then get a recession in your gums when you brush too hard. Which induces fire damage in the form of bone loss.
How to know if your technique of brushing is wrong?
Look at your toothbrush. If you’ve been using it for three months or less, the bristles must not be frayed. Frayed brushes are a clear indicator of too much pressure.
The correct way to brush your teeth?
It requires patience, but you can change hard-brushing ways, one of the first things to do is switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- It’s easier on the enamel.
- Second Change the toothbrush every three months — or sooner if it frays.
- Experts recommend the modified Bass method of brushing for normal healthy teeth and gums.
Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and the long axis of the tooth passing through the exact center of your teeth. That way, the bristles can reach and clean underneath your gumline in the gingival sulcus.
Gently move the brush back and forth. Use short, tooth-wide strokes to clean the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces of the teeth, the American Dental Association recommends. If you’re using an electric toothbrush, let it do all the work and just lightly glide it over your teeth instead of pushing it against them. To lighten the forces, try holding your toothbrush in your left hand for right-handed individuals and your right hand for left-handed individuals.
Brush for 30 seconds in each quadrant making it a total
Of two minutes every day morning and night. Use a timer. Or maybe an electric toothbrush that alerts you every 30 seconds.
When you are not in a hurry you are more likely to be gentle.
Sticking with these tips can help protect the health of your teeth while eliminating symptoms of tooth sensitivity.
By Nilofer Vevai